How to show your Stylist/Nail Tech some L O V E
Busy lives, sick kids——Oops! Now you’re sick!
As we move into the fall/winter season, things can get dicey. Unexpected kid events, the chaos that comes with a full schedule—and the bug your youngest brought home that has now infected your whole family! We get it—we have the same things happening in our own lives! That being said, let’s try to show each other some mutual L. O. V. E
Be respectful of your stylist/nail tech’s time, just as we strive to respect yours by running on time.
Take a minute to review Zen’s Appointment Policies. They are listed on our website:
If you are not feeling well, please reschedule your appointment.
Please understand that if you choose to cancel and reschedule your appointment, the receptionists will do their very best to place you in the next available appointment time with your stylist.
We can't wait to see you at your next visit! Call to schedule your appointment at 815-609-3255
